Unit 1 : Black Native
Big Idea: The Blacks in the United States came from diverse backgrounds.
Essential Questions:
1. How do cultures, ethnicity and identity
influence who we are?
2. Were there Black Native Americans?
3. How have historical events and human
experiences impacted the Afro-American community?
and Objectives
Write opinion pieces on topics or texts,
supporting a point of view with reasons and information.
a. Introduce a topic or text clearly,
state an opinion, and create an organizational structure in which related
ideas are grouped to support the writer’s purpose.
b. Provide reasons that are supported by
facts and details.
c. Link opinion and reasons using words
and phrases (e.g., for instance, in order to, in addition).
d. Provide a concluding statement or
section related to the opinion presented.
With guidance and support from an adult;
develop and strengthen writing as
needed, by planning, revising, editing
rewriting or trying a new approach.
Determine the meaning of words and
phrases as they are used in a text, including vocabulary specific to
domains related to history/social studies.
Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source;
provide an accurate summary
of the source distinct from prior
knowledge or opinions.
Determine two or more main ideas of a text and
explain how they are supported
by key details; summary
of the text.
Determine the theme of a story, historical document or poem from details in the text and
how the speaker in a poem
reflects upon a topic, summarize the text.
Analyze how visual and multimedia elements contribute to the meaning, theme or beauty of a
how an author uses revision
and evidence to support particular
points in a text, identifying which reasons and evidence supports
which point of view.
Acquire and use accurately grade
appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases including
those that signal contrast, and other logical relationship.
Texts and Resources
The Black population is the result of
Native Black Americans, Black Europeans and Africans. Given this variety of
Black nationalities that formed the contemporary Black population, is the term
Afro-American and accurate name of the Black people in the United States. Be
sure to state your opinion, supporting your opinion with reasons. Finally, be
sure to support your reasons with facts, and details.
Reading and Media
Blacks in America
Malians in Pre-Columbian America
Blacks in ancient America
The Mound Builders
Origin of the name Indian
Black Native Americans
Black Native American Culture before the
Revolutionary War
Interactions between Black Native
Americans and white Americans
The Black Native American Triangular
Hunter-gather, Southern Death Cult,
Minoans, infantry, Abulakari, Mande (Manding) people, Caribe,
Clyde Winters, African Empires in Ancient
Clyde Winters, We are not JUST Africans: Black Native Americans.2015.
Black/African Indians in
Most Blacks in the United States of America are called
Afro-Americans, because they are mainly of African descent but they live in
America. Although, many Afro-Americans are descendants of slaves, only, the Black
population in the United States is derived from Black Europeans, and Black
Native Americans, in addition to Africans.
Black Native Americans were already in
the United States when Europeans found the American continent. These Blacks
lived from the East Coast of the United States all the way down to Florida.
They also lived in the Midwest, South and Southwest and on the Pacific shore
from California to the state of Florida.
The Black Native Americans often belonged to the Cree, Creek, Ojibwa, Chipewyan
, Seminole , Cherokee, Dogrib,Papago,Delaware, Huron and Iroquois nations. In Florida
they built many forts made of red brick
and fought the U.S. army for years.
The first Blacks to come to the United
States with Europeans were not slaves . These Blacks came from Europe. The
Black Europeans were the descendants of the Moors who ruled much of Europe upto
1492 when Black Muslims were pushed out of Spain and Portugal back into Africa.
The Black Europeans came as free land owners, while other Blacks were
indentured slaves.
- Using evidence from the text
explain why all Afro-Americans are not just descendants of slaves. Why
might this be important for people to know
- Make a foldable divided into three sections. In
each section list the diverse origins of Afro-Americans.
Malians in PreColumbian America
Around A.D. 1310, thousands of Mande or Mandekan speakers arrived in the Americas from ancient Mali. Mali was an ancient West African Empire.
Ibn Fadlullah
al- Umari, in his encyclopedia
"Masalik al Absar", said the mariners from Mali during the reign
of Abubakari made transatlantic voyages. Al-Umari, obtained his information from Mansa Musa, who was handed
the kingship of Mali by King or Mansa Abubakari
when he set out to colonize the Americas.
The Malian people introduced their military, agricultural and boat technology to the Americas. The Manding built dwellings depending on the topography .
The Malian people introduced their military, agricultural and boat technology to the Americas. The Manding built dwellings depending on the topography .
Near rivers they lived on mounds. In semi-arid regions
they lived in cliff houses, like those found in the American Southwest. Today the Dogon who trace their
descent to the Mande live in identical dwellings as those found in Colorado
,where Manding inscriptions dating to the A.D. 1000 's have been found related
to the Pueblo culture.
American Cliff Dwelling
The expeditionary force of Mansa (or King) Abubakari, must have been immense, because the average boat on the Niger, in the 1500's A.D., could carry 80 men. This means that anywhere between 25,000 to 80,000 men may have sailed from Mali along with Mansa Abubakari. South Equatorial Current carried the Mali explorers to Brazil. From here they spread throughout South, Central and North America.
In Mexico the Malian wanders are depicted in the Mixtec Codex Dorenberg
(fourtenth century). These migrates are bearded, they have large noses and
lips, and are represented with black skins. In addition,to the Codex
Dorenberg they are also seen in the Codex Tro, with staff or spear in hand,
feathered headdresses, polished earrings, cloaks and loincloths made of the
finest woven cotton. They wore arm and wrist bands, and small white shells
on their ankles which rattled as they walked , usually in groups of two's or
In Mexico, due to previous cultural development the Mandekan found large heavily populated Indian communities. Therefore the Malian colonists did not establish any large communities in Mexico, but they were active traders and are remembered for their merchandise.
There are Mexican traditions of groups of foreigners moving northward throughout the early 14th century. These men probably formed the vanguard of a larger body of Malians which probably entered Mexico in 1325, and fought the Mexicans around this time for land to settle. The battle of these Africans and Amerindians, is seen in the legend of a battle between an eagle and a serpent and the choice of the site of the battle as the place to build
Mexico's Tenochititlan. The serpent is the totem of the Mandekan, it therefore probably represents the Malian forces, and the eagles the Amerindians. Among these foreign migratory groups it is reported in Amerindian traditions that they took the practice of agriculture and pottery making to the Chichimecs, and helped design and build the houses around Lake Texcoco in 1327.
The Malians left many inscriptions in the Southwestern part of the United States. The presence of Manding in Four Corners, is supported by the appearance of Dogon and Bambara ideograms, called petroglyphs, on rocks in the Anasazi area. Moreover, there are several tablets found in Four Corners called the Elephant Slabs which have been deciphered that were written in an aspect of Mandekan.
In conclusion, in 1310 thousands of Malians arrived in the Americas. Many of these Malians settled throughout South America and the American Southwest where they left numerous inscriptions written in the Mandekan-Bambara language that was spoken by the Malian court. We also find that the Malians are mentioned in many Mexican Codexes and Native American oral traditions.
1. True or False. Mansa Musa discovered America.
1. True or False. Mansa Musa discovered America.
or False. By 1325 Malians were entering
evidence from the text that strongly support Malians were in Pre-Columbian
The Mound
The mounds in the United States may
have been built by Africans for defensive purposes while they tried to co-exist
with local Amerindian populations that lived nearby.
This hypothesis is supported by the fact that the
Ohio-Indiana-Illinois-Missouri mound sites are located on hilltops overlooking
valleys, and are clearly defensive works covering many acres with formidable
walls of earth, sometimes reinforced by stone, all evidently chosen for their
impregnability. In lowland areas where there were probably few inhabitants or
unsettled land, the mounds are of various geometric enclosures: octagons,
circles, squares, ellipses. These mounds were more than likely built without
military intentions.
The defensive style mounds found in the United States had lines of
embankments which averaged between 5 to 30 feet high, with enclosures hundreds
of acres wide. Leading out form many of these enclosures there often were
parallel walls many miles long forming great avenues. Wiener felt that these mounds resembled the
African cities of Loanga, in the Congo, and the ancient city of Benin. W.E.B.
DuBois noted:
"The mounds of the "Mound
Builders" were probably replicas of Negro forts in Africa. That this
tendency to build forts and stockades proceeded from the Antilles , whence the
Arawaks had come in the beginning of the sixteenth century is proved by the
presence of similar works in Cuba. These
are found in the most abandoned and least-explored part of the island and there
can be little doubt that they were locations of fugitive Negro and Indian
stockades, precisely such as were in use in Africa".
The only occupied mounds seen by Europeans were those built by the
African slaves, the Arawak Indians and people in Florida. Hernando De Soto the
only European to see occupied mounds tells us much about their construction and
De Soto and his men discussed the mounds they found among the Florida
Indians. Here as mentioned earlier lived some African /black people. De Soto
noted that at Ucita, Florida: "The town was of seven or eight houses built
of timber, and covered with palm-leaves....The chief’s house stood near the
beach, upon a very high mound made by hand for defense; at the other end of the
town was a temple...." It is
interesting to note that in Florida one of the major ethnic groups living there
was the Yamassi or Jamassi people which were described as blacks.
The mounds in the United States are usually found near rivers. In the
Ohio Valley 10,000 mounds have been discovered. In the north the mound zone
begins in western New York and extended along the southern shore of Lake Erie
into what is now Michigan, Wisconsin and on to the states of Iowa and Nebraska.
In the southern United States the mounds lined the Gulf of Mexico from Florida
to eastern Texas, and extended up through the Carolinas and across to the state
of Oklahoma.
The mounds of ancient America follow the lines of the Mississippi and
Ohio rivers, and outlying regions as well. They vary in size from colossal
mounds in Illinois to mere blisters rising from the earth.
Most, if not all of these mounds had long been abandoned by their former
inhabitants when they were discovered. Many excavated mounds have yielded human
bones, weapons, tools, inscriptions and jewelry.
Statues of Africans have also been found in these mounds. As discussed
earlier there were two types of African statues found in the ancient mounds
excavated in the western Sudan. Africoid statues of type one , i.e., humanoids
in a sitting position with their hands on the thigh and right knee pointing up
while the other knee is resting on the ground are found in Tennessee and
Indiana at the Angel site. The most
common type, style two statues , i.e., statues of humanoids in a sitting
position with the hands placed across the chest have also been found at Etowah
and Temple mound sites in Tennessee and Georgia. It is also interesting that anthropomorphic
statues found in Polk County, Georgia are analogous to statues found in
One of the major mound sites inhabited in North America was that of the
Adena culture in Ohio. The Adena culture existed from 200 B.C., to A.D. 400-500
Black Africans are characterized as being broad faced, full lipped,
illustrating prognathism , large boned with fleshy noses. Samuel Morton in Crania Americana , written
in 1839 noted that Adena people possessed "ponderous bony
structure[s]...large jaws and broad face". This description of the Adena,
fits exactly the description of the West African type.
The Adena or Hopewell culture as we call it today was a dominant force
in the United States during this period. They have left numerous copper
bracelets, rings, stone tablets and effigy pipes made in the form of Africans.
At the Great Serpent Mound, in Adams County Ohio a copper breastplate has also
been found. Prof. F.W. Putnam, also mentioned the discovery of an Egyptian
looking figure in these mounds.
Among the hundreds of pipes discovered in the mounds we see many African
totems impressed on the pipes including serpents and birds. There is even one
pipe from Ohio, found in a mound that is an unmistakable representation of a
Toucan. The Toucan bird is found in Brazil. This supports the view that some
mound builders had lived formerly in Brazil.
Most of the Malian influence among the mound builders corresponds to
artifacts recovered from the Southern Death Cult. The pipes recovered from many
mounds in the United States and the name for Tobacco suggests that it was the
Manding who introduced tobacco to the New World. (Sertima 1976)
The Manding may have also constructed the Temple Mounds. These mounds
were built between A.D. 700 and 1700. The Temple Mounds were built in the
central Mississippi Valley, Arkansas, southern Missouri, southern Illinois and
western Tennessee.
Most of the inhabitants of the temple Mounds probably came from eastern
Yucatan. They were probably remnants of the foreign people moving north through
Mexico recorded in Amerindian traditions. This is proven by the discovery of
many figurines and statues of Blacks in the Temple Mounds.
The sculptural evidence found in the mounds all indicate an African
origin as proven by Wiener (1922). A long pipe with a crouching figure on the
bowl on exhibit in the New York Historical Society is of an African with
compound bracelets, five on the wrist, six on the upper arm, four on the calf,
such as only found in Mexico and west Africa. These bracelets are found in
gorgets from the Etowah Mound, which show Malian influence. Other sculpture heads and figurines
of Africans have been found on the banks of Paint Creek ,near Chillocothe,Ohio;
Tennessee; Mississippi; and on Green Flats in Virginia, which wear African
headdresses ,skull caps and facial striations identical with those of the
Manding. We also find the depiction of Africans in carvings from Spiro
Oklahoma. At Spiro Mound African faces were carved on shells and the Manding
cross sign placed on the palms of the hands on one artifact. This cross in the
Manding script meant "righteousness, purity". Other inscribed works
of art from the Moundville site in central Alabama also show Manding signs,
especially the Manding cross.
A figurine found in a cemetery at Nashville, Tennessee was of African
women, while another African statue was found at Clarksville, Tennessee in
1897. These statues as well as heads on the gorgets from the Missouri mounds
show analogous striations found on the faces of Manding clansmen.
Among the Southern Death Cult mound builders we find a third type statue
, which has the leg and knee as the base, with the arms placed across the chest
with the hands resting above the breast. Another type statue is seen in the
effigy jar with "weeping-eye" motif, it has as its base the feet and
buttocks, the knees are pointing up in the air, and the arms are placed across
the chest with the hands placed above the opposite breast.
The major reason for the varied art styles among the mounds that were
built by the Malians, result from the fact that Mali was composed of many
different ethnic groups that spoke different languages and practiced varied
cultures. As a result of this ethnic pluralism we find a homogenous people who
inhabited many mounds in the United States that practiced a multiplicity of
cultural forms.
Origin of the Name Indian
traded with South India before they discovered America. The South Indians were
Black. As a result, when they met the Black Native Americans in the West Indies
they called them: Indians because they were Black like the South Indians.
Many people
get upset about the name Indian for Native Americans. Native Americans were
given this name because when the Europeans thought that they had reached India,
they found Black people like those of South India. As a result, the term Indian
goes back to the Dark Color of the first Native Americans, Europeans met. Indi,
means Black.
Europeans reached the mainland. It was only then that Europeans or whites
encountered the so-called "Red" or mongoloid Indians.
information from the text to explain why,
or why not, the term Indian, is an appropriate or inappropriate name for
Native Americans?
Black Native Americans
There were many Black Native Americans when Europeans came to the United
States. These Black people came to America from Africa and Asia.
The first Native Black Americans came to South America from Africa around
30,000 years ago. These people probably sailed across the Atlantic Ocean and
settled in South America.
Up until 12,000 years ago the Ice Age prevented Blacks from crossing the
Bering Straits into North America. Once the Ice melted Black pgymies entered
America across the Straits. They were followed years later by the Mongoloid
Other Blacks came to America after 1000 BC from mainland Asia by Sea.
These Blacks also founded settlements in places like Fiji, Micronesia and the
Melanesia Islands, before they reached the U.S., Westcoast.
There were over 100 tribes in California when the Spanish arrived. The
California Black Native Americans practice many life styles. Some were
huntergatherers, while others fished and farmed.
The Black Native Americans on the
East Coast of the United States mainly came from Africa. Many Black Native
Americans had arrived in America before the Malians led by King Abubakari came
to the U.S., after 1300. These Black Native Americans were mainly farmers. They
lived on mounds near lakes and streams throughout the United States. Other Black
Native Americans built the cave monuments in Four Corners region of the United
These tribes
include the , Nanticoke , the Yamassee, Tama & more. Many of these Black
Native American tribes were killed off by Americans during American-Indian Wars.
Other Black Native Americans were sold into slavery so Americans could take
their land. Many states passed laws to require citizens of the state to prove
their citizenship. A South Carolina Slave code, for example, said that to
prove you were free you had to show documentation . Black Indians were not given
papers so their land could be taken, while they were sold into slavery.
As slaves came to the U.S., from Africa, many
ran away to live with the Indians. In 1526, African slaves fled their Spanish
masters and settled in South Carolina Indian Territory. African slaves married
many Black and Mongoloid Native Americans (NA). In 1622, at Jamestown Virginia,
the whites were killed, the African slaves settled among the NA. By 1700 many
free born Blacks on the Chesapeake Peninsula
were of native American origin.
There were
so many slaves among the Iroquois and other Northeastern American tribes that
in 1726, 1764 and1765, the governor of Colonial New York exacted a promise from
the Delaware, Huron and Iroquois.
In the IndianTerritory slaves founded many maroon societies or lived
on tribal lands . These runaway slaves held extensive land holdings in Florida
and in Nova Scotia, near Halifax during the American slave period. In South Florida
50 miles of farm land , cattle and etc., owned by Maroons. The Black in Florida
and Mississippi freely mixed with the Creek and Seminoles. Other Africans
belonged to the Cherokee, Choctaw, and Creek nations. In Minnesota, by 1819 at
the mouth of the St. Louis River, there were Africans living in Ojibwa villages.
1.Place the
events below in the proper sequence.
cross Bering Straits into North America.
sells to America
BC Africans settle South America
come to America as slaves.
evidence from the text compare and contrast the lifestyle and culture of the
Black Indians on the West and East Coast of the U.S.
Black Native American Culture before the Revolutionary War
Study this painting of an Afro-Indian before the
Revolutionary War. Using evidence from this painting tell us about Black Native American culture before the
Revolutionary War in the American Mid-West.
Interactions between Black Native
Americans and white Americans
Below are
two Documents. Study the Documents below.
Document 1
Document 2
1. Study these paintings of Black Native Americans and white
Americans. Using evidence from Documents 1 and 2 how would you characterize the
relationship between Black Native Americans and white Americans.
The Black Native
American Triangular Trade
The Five Civilized Tribes were Blacks.Black Native Americans lived on the prime farming lands of New England, the Southeast and the Midwest. The first slaves in the United States were Black Native Americans. Whites forced over 100,000 Native Americans to cultivate tobacco, rice, and indigo. As a result,many Black Native Americans were exterminated or sold into slavery after they had wars with the whites or other Indian tribes. Like people in Africa, the Native Americans sold each other into slavery for guns and cheap goods. The whites concentrated on encouraging the Indians to fight each other so they could buy the losing tribal members as slaves. They also kidnapped Native Americans and made them slaves. Because the Black Native Americans were farmers they concentrated on enslaving Black Native Americans.
The original triangular trade did not involve Africa. In the [1]
first leg of this trade New England Slavers would go to the West
Indies and buy sugar. [2]They would take the sugar back to New England and make
it into Rum. [3] After making the Rum, New England slavers would sail to
Virginia and buy Native American Slaves, and take the slaves and Rum to the
West Indies and start the trade over again.
Black Native
Americans who were not sold into slavery had to identify themselves as 'free
colored", the same as freed African slaves. This was done by the
government to make sure the Black Native Americans would lose their rights to
land stolen by the whites. Since most Black Native Americans were sold into
slavery or identified as "free colored" they did not mix with whites.
1. Using
information from the text explain how selling Black Native Americans to work on
plantations in the West Indies, probably
affected the Black Native American population.